We did it! For the last 14 years there has been someone representing Mike and his personal and family battles against PKD. Last year we definitely made the effort and it was awesome in it’s own right…
PKD WALK 2018 (totally great, but missing something)
What a difference a year makes!
PKD WALK 2019 - Regaining strength! (We did miss you, Kim!)
Mike easily walked all 2.8 miles. We had a great group, a gorgeous day, excellent info, all well organized by the PKD Foundation. Our team raised nearly $5,000 dollars which will all go straight to research to help find a cure for PKD! You can click on the link above it you want to add a donation, or join us next year - we’ll be there!
This month Mike and I celebrate our 10th anniversary and Mike’s 50th birthday, too! Both are milestones we have only been able to reach with help & kindness from all of you. Next month we celebrate THREE years since the transplant! Again, we are beyond happy to not have to imagine what life would be like without the incredible gift given to us by Jon with all of you in support.
Samantha & Mike