Boston Walk for PKD

Hello -

We are still waiting on final results for our awesome potential donor, which is hard, but in the meantime we have a great event to take our minds off the search:  the Boston Walk for PKD.  This year the event takes place on September 11th and it will be the 12th year (I think...) that I have done the walk.  The PKD Foundation is an amazing group that does really important work in gathering and dispersing funds for critical (an otherwise under-funded) PKD research and raising awareness of the disease.

We will be walking with Team Give Mike A Hand and you can join our team and walk (for free) or donate to an excellent cause, simply by clicking on our team photo from 2015 below!

Team Give Mike a Hand - click to join!

Team Give Mike a Hand - click to join!

Thank you!!!  Samantha (& Co.)