Asking for a kidney, when we didn't think we had to...

Hello - 

On February 11 our BIDMC Transplant Center Nurse Coordinator called with the news that my kidney function (GFR) had declined enough since my last tests in the summer of 2014 that I was no longer going to be able to donate my kidney to Mike.  I was at work, and the only person I could call was my mother.  I was dissolving into tears.  I was perfectly healthy, but had to go home and tell my husband, Mike, that I couldn't make this better for him the way we had it all planned.

Immediately I knew we had to rally our incredible family and friends, and their families and friends and co-workers and anyone else we could find.  This website is our attempt to do that and to give all of you the information you need to help us.  If there is anything else we can do, just let us know.

With hope, Samantha